16 Days of Activism 2015

16 Days of Activism 2015

The latest stats for 2014/2015 confirm that 59 957 sexual assaults are reported in a year, which means a sexual assault (regardless of gender) is reported to occur every 9 minutes to someone – and these are the ones we know of and are actually reported.  This stirs...

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Lend a helping HANDbag

Lend a helping HANDbag

Based on SAPS stats for 2013/2014 just over 7 sexual offences are reported every hour in South Africa. So over a period of 16 days that equals over 2,745 reported cases (plus more of which are not reported in many instances) and we are wanting to match this with...

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New exciting partnership for JFF

New exciting partnership for JFF

City Hospital Behavioural Centre, has extended their hands to create greater capacity to help rape survivors. The need has increased for more central counselling services for rape survivors who use public transport or who stay in remote areas. With this new...

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Jes Foord New Beginnings Ball a Princess Success

Jes Foord New Beginnings Ball a Princess Success

On the 29th of August 2014 the annual Jes Foord gala event known as the New Beginnings ball was held at the Three Cities Docklands Hotel in Durban. 195 attended the ball for an amazing evening of fun. This year the guests stopped at nothing to dress up to the Princess...

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Comedian’s Unite Against Rape

Comedian’s Unite Against Rape

A foundation favourite Jess Knauf rallied up the best of Comedy in the Durban comedy circuit and hosted an event in benefit of the foundation on Friday 20 June 2014 at New York Restaurant & Bar. The night was full of laughs as Jem Atkins of On Fire Comedy MC’d an...

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Jes celebrates 6 years

Jes celebrates 6 years

In just six short and busy years, Jes has risen above and beyond. Starting with her perpetrators being convicted and put in prison soon after the doors of the Jes Foord Foundation offered support to rape survivors. Jes has subsequently achieved speaking about her...

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Jes and the Twins

Jes and the Twins

Jes and Jono became the proud parents of two gorgeous babies in the early hours of 25th February 2014. These two bundles of joy lie in their cots completely unaware of what amazing symbols of hope they are to thousands of girls who are impacted by the reality of rape...

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Jes Foord Foundation opens Community Centre

Jes Foord Foundation opens Community Centre

Grand Opening Marianhill Community Center On the morning of the 26th of March 2014 as streaky clouds filled the bright blue sky over the upper highway excitement built as banners were erected, Cafe Pronto cranked on their coffee machine and the team donned themselves...

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